Welcome to ISSP’s new website and new brand! The Managing Council has been hard at work all year on the strategic plan which involves an immense amount of thought and exploration about who ISSP is, what we bring to the field of sport psychology, and how we support our members. The overarching theme in theme in these discussions was collaboration and…
Dr. Keith Henschen, the past ISSP President (2001-2005), one of the most notable trailblazers of our field and a true professional giant in numerous respects, passed away on October 22nd. It is so difficult to say good-bye to an impactful professor, a mentor, and a colleague, but even more, to one who was a dear friend. For certain, it is…
Dear Members of the International Society of Sport Psychology. I first wish to welcome you to a new four-year cycle of the ISSP. We have just completed our World Congress, with tremendous support and capacity provided by the Local Organizing Committee, located in Taipei. I wish to thank Dr. Yu-Kai Chang, his colleagues from the Taiwanese Society of Sport Psychology,…
Dear Congress Participants, I welcome you to the 2021 ISSP World Congress, being held virtually in Taipei. The ISSP World Congress has always been a historic event, and this congress is of no exception; it has uniqueness, though in a most different way than any previous ISSP Congress event. Amid Covid and the fatigue we have all encountered as professionals…
Introduction: Given the mission of International Society of Sport Psychology (ISSP) and in the spirit of globalization, internationalization, unification, and collaboration, ISSP has established an internationally recognized consultant/practitioner registry that represents the minimum standard of sport psychology practice. The ISSP-Registry (ISSP-R) aims to respond to the high international mobility of both sporting clients and consultants as well as increase the…
Before casting your vote, please, review the “Personal Statements” from all candidates for the ISSP Managing Council for all categories of MC officers and members-at-large. Personal Statements MC members-at-large candidates MC officer candidates Per the past practices and in accordance with ISSP Statutes, there are two ways of casting your election vote: on-site (should you be at the Congress in…
The ISSP 2021 early bird registration has been extended to July 21.For more information, please access the follow link:https://issp2021.com/Page/Registration%20Guideline
It is with pleasure I wish to update you on the activities within the International Society of Sport Psychology. The past four years have been what we have referred to as a period of strategic execution. This society previously developed a strategic plan under the leadership of Dr. Gangyan Si. The document that was conceptualized prior to my current term…
Any member of ISSP who is entitled to vote can submit nominations for the election of the President, Vice Presidents, Secretary General, Treasurer (these are’ officers’), and members at large of the Managing Council. Nominations for the President, Vice President, Secretary General, Treasurer, and all other members at large must be received in writing the Past President Dr. Gangyan Si…
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