The term Fellow offers a level of recognition and branding within the society for its longstanding contributors, who’ve made significant contributions to the society itself and the broader field of sport psychology at a global level. The benefits of this bestowed title are as follows:
- The ISSP Fellow is instantly recognizable within the society and broader domain as a scholar, practitioner, or both aspects, and as a statesperson of the highest level.
- The titling of this designation could be listed as part of the ISSP member’s professional credentialing, so long as she/he remains an ISSP member.
- These recognized members are listed on the ISSP website with the year of title bestowment.
- These members are invited to a Fellows Council meeting during the conference where these members are asked to provide feedback regarding the current challenges of ISSP. In addition, future directions for the society are explored and discussed with the current ISSP Managing Council.

How to apply for the ISSP fellows?
- Deadline: Applicants should submit their applications for Fellows award status no later than September 30th of each calendar year.
- The applicant will be required to demonstrate high standards of professional involvement and contribution to ISSP and the global landscape of the domain by committing directly to the goals and long-range activities of ISSP. Evidence of these activities might include (a) efforts to grow the domain in one’s region whilst contributing to its connection with ISSP, (b) highly recognized international scholarship and/or practice within the field, (c) significant contributions to the growth of ISSP’s reputation within the global landscape, and (d) significant contributions to the inner workings of ISSP evidenced through organizational efforts within ISSP regional conferences and the ISSP global conference, longstanding membership in the Managing Council, and significant contributions to ISSP through historical, theoretical, empirical and/or practical publications. The applicant should also be a member in good standing for at least six years and an active member during the tenure of the fellowship, and be adherent to the ISSP Ethics Code.
- The applicant should have a doctorate from an internationally recognized institution in a field related to sport and exercise psychology, though exceptional circumstances of a graduate degree (e.g., MA, MSC, MHK, MEd) might be considered in relation to applicants from emerging/developing countries.
- The applicant must also received approval by the Awards Committee, led by the current ISSP Past President.
We encourage members to nominate their colleagues in ISSP or to nominate themselves for ISSP Fellow status when there is a belief that a candidate meets the qualification for this distinction. What follows are the required materials to submit a complete application.
Initial Fellows Application — To be completed by the nominee via the ISSP Fellows Online Application Platform. Required sections are as follows:
Contact Information
Graduate/Postdoctoral education history
Name and email address of at least three endorsers (current / Past ISSP MC members who have agreed to support the nomination in writing)
Curriculum vitae, including significant publications in peer-reviewed and professional outlets; and/or evidence of leadership; and/or evidence of significant applied contributions. Must be in Microsoft Word or PDF format with a maximum file size of 4MB.
Nominee’s Self Statement: This sets forth accomplishments on why the ISSP member feels they warrant nomination to fellow status. The self-statement must be in Microsoft Word or PDF format with a maximum file size of 4MB.
Awards Committee Chair Statement — To support the nomination for ISSP Fellow Status, the Awards Committee Chair provides rationale for each nomination in written format. Within the statement, the Awards Committee will summarize how the applicant has met the ISSP Criteria for Fellow Status, summarize national/international impact, and provide evidence of a thorough consideration of the nominee’s application, endorsements and other supporting materials.
Optional but Highly Recommended Materials – Any other supportive documentation: This can be any information that you believe will help your nomination. Each file must be in Microsoft Word or PDF format with a maximum file size of 4MB.
- The applicants will be notified of their application outcome by December 31st yearly, three months after the application deadline. First notice will be in the form of a letter provided by the Past President on behalf of the Awards Committee by electronic mail.
- Original signed letters from the Chair of the Awards Committee will be sent thereafter by regular mail to the correspondence address provided by the applicant.
- All Inducted Fellows will be presented with a certificate of recognition at the following ISSP Congress General Assembly, presented by the current Past President during the formal rewards ceremony.
- Upon induction, each new Fellow will be invited to serve on the Fellows Committee so long as membership remains current.
- All ISSP Fellows will be recognized at the ISSP website.