Guidelines for Applying to Host ISSP Think Tank Activities
The International Society of Sport Psychology (ISSP) encourages institutions and organizations to host the ISSP Think Tank (TT) activities on the themes of Sport and Exercise Psychology.
The proposal should be prepared according to the guidelines (see below) and submitted to the current ISSP President.

ISSP Think Tanks are group events organized to study a particular topic (such as Mental Health, Cultural Competence, and Olympic On-Site Service) and provide information, ideas, and advice.
The applicants for an ISSP Think Tank should submit a proposal to the ISSP President with the following compulsory information:
Site and Program
Think Tanks are typically planned for two days. Applicants should clearly describe the conference or symposium after a TT if they wish to organize such an activity. The program includes the recommended dates, places, and site conditions. Think Tank sites must be safe so that participants from around the world can attend. Security policies should be explained in the proposal document.
All participants of Think Tanks will pay for their round-trip flights unless otherwise specified by the local organizing committee. The local organizers should at minimum pay for accommodation, meals, and local transportation. In cases where Think Tank participants are invited to join/present in any additional events, the costs (e.g., hotel and meals) should be clearly described. It is also expected that such events (e.g., conferences or symposiums) would be possibly used as a source for paying for the travel costs of key participants of the Think Tank.
Social Events
Think Tank organizers are expected to plan a half-day cultural event (e.g., visiting the local Olympic center or historic venue) for the participants without additional payment.
Each proposal will be initially evaluated based on the guidelines presented above by a sub-committee of ISSP Managing Council members. Second, the proposal and the experts’ group evaluation will be sent to all the MC members for discussion with a proposed recommendation. A final decision about the proposal will be made by the ISSP Managing Council through a formal vote.
Once a proposal has been approved, the ISSP President will assign an MC member(s) to act as a liaison with the respective organization. When the Think Tank (and when applicable, additional event) is/are completed, a written report should be presented to the ISSP MC by both the MC liaison in partnership with the local Think Tank organizer.