Author page: admin

Ambassador Program

The ISSP Vice President, Dr Tatiana Ryba, visited the College of Education Studies at the University of Cape Coast during her trip to Ghana as the ISSP Ambassador. Dr Ryba delivered a welcoming speech to the participants of the Inaugural Seminar of the Ghana Society of Sport and Exercise Psychology which marked the GHASSEP formation. She also enjoyed interacting with…

President’s Message December, 2018

This is an exciting time for the International Society of Sport Psychology. The society is active and progressively, ever more engaged with our membership. During the Summer of 2017 a crucial step forward was taken in relation to membership engagement. Committees were opened to members so that you might join and contribute your expertise. Since then, a gradual increase of…

North American Society for the Psychology of Sport and Physical Activity (NASPSPA)

Annual Meeting June 6 to 8 – Baltimore Maryland — Go to The abstract / symposia submission portal for NASPSPA 2019 will open on December 1, 2018 and remain open until Midnight (Eastern Standard Time) on January 16, 2019.  The Conference Program Committee welcomes all submissions and encourages symposia submissions.  Please contact the Area Program Chairs: Jennifer Brunet (Sport &…

ISSP President’s Message Autumn 2018

As we quickly approach the end of 2018, the International Society of Sport Psychology (ISSP) is taking further strides toward achieving its strategic objectives. For those of you who have not fully tracked our progress, the ISSP has continued to work with societal allies from around the world. One such project has been a multi-societal position stand on accreditation, where…

Call for Hosting the 16th World Congress in Sport Psychology in 2025

The International Society of Sport Psychology (ISSP) encourages groups and organizations to host the 16th World Congress in Sport Psychology. ISSP organizes a World event in sport psychology every four years, namely: the ISSP World Congress in Sport Psychology consisting of: Total planning involves 7 days: five full days of scientific program; an opening ceremony; an opening reception; a conference…

President’s Message

PRESIDENT’S MESSAGEDr. Robert Schinke        Jul 05, 2018 Dear ISSP Members,​Our Managing Council has just returned from Daegu, Republic of Korea, where we were hosted graciously by the Asia South Pacific Society of Sport Psychology (ASPASP). While there we engaged in our first Managing Council Meeting since being appointed as your current leadership. From this meeting, we have a few…

Inaugural ISSP Fellows Named

The ISSP Managing Council are pleased to announce that our society’s first fellows have been named. They are Dr. Robert Singer (United States), Dr. Keith Henschen (United States), Dr. Gershon Tenenbaum (United States), Dr. Dieter Hackfort (Germany), and Dr. Sidonio Serpa (Portugal). These people are previous ISSP Presidents, having completed their terms as Past President. Each four-year, one further Past…

Annual International Think-Tank

The International Society of Sport Psychology, the University of Southern Denmark and Team Denmark is launching an international think tank on Olympic athletes’ mental health. This is the first example of a new ISSP initiative: The Annual International Think-Tank.  Think-Tank 2018: The Mental Health of Olympic Athletes (Odense, Denmark, Sept. 20-21, 2018) The International Society of Sport Psychology, the University of…


Dear Colleagues of the International Society of Sport Psychology, We continue to make tremendous strides, together, toward the further development and reach of this organization. Nearing one year ago, a newly appointed ISSP Managing Council began its task of strategic execution, meaning that we have opted to move forward and bring to fruition objectives that were among our wish list,…