2021 ISSP Election Process

Dear ISSP Member, 

Following up on the Spring 2021 ISSP President’s Message (March 29, 2021) and on behalf of the ISSP Managing Council, here is the information about the 2021 ISSP Election process. 

Any member of ISSP who is entitled to vote can submit nominations for the election of the President, Vice Presidents, Secretary General, Treasurer (these are’ officers’), and members at large of the MC. Nominations for the President, Vice President, Secretary General, Treasurer, and all other members at large must be received in writing the Past President Dr. Gangyan Si at gangyans@hksi.ork.hk or by the Secretary General (Artur.Poczwardowski@du.edu) not later than by August 1st.

All nominations must be proposed and seconded by members in good standing, not including the nominee. All Nominees must agree in writing to stand for election. To serve as an ‘officer’ (the President, Vice Presidents, Secretary General, Treasurer), a person must first serve at least one term on the MC as a member at large. 

Per the past practices, there will be two ways of casting your election vote: (1) on-site (should you be at the Congress in Taipei in person) or (2) by proxy, thus, via traditional mailing of your vote per the instructions (including mailing address) that we’ll provide in early August. For your planning, the election voting by proxy (traditional mail) will start on August 2nd when the statements of nominees will be posted on the ISSP Website. 

All individual members shall be entitled to one vote after two years of consecutive membership during the 2 years prior to the ISSP World Congress. Note that purchasing memberships cannot count retroactively in relation to voting (e.g., attempting to purchase a previous year’s membership. 

Thank you in advance for your participation in this important step in ISSP operations. 

Sincerely, Artur Poczwardowski
(ISSP Secretary General)