You can register full member of the ISSP with a very low rate and receive 6 issues per year of the International Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology (IJSEP), the official Journal of the ISSP. The ISSP is the oldest international society of sport psychology and its aim is the development of sport psychology throughout the world. The ISSP provides a forum for individuals who are interested in theory, research, practice, and professional development in the discipline of sport psychology throughout the world. The Society exists to (a) encourage and promote the study of human behavior within sport, physical activity, and health settings; (b) facilitate the sharing of knowledge through books, journals, newsletters, meetings, and a quadrennial congress (World Congress of Sport Psychology at different regions), and (c) improve the quality of research and professional practice in sport psychology. The Society also endeavors to foster peace and understanding among people from all countries. With the publication of the IJSEP, the ISSP aims to provide an international forum for sport and exercise psychology and to facilitate communication among different areas of sport psychology and among sport psychologists from different cultural backgrounds. Members have the opportunity to interact with colleagues from different countries and they enjoy the benefits that are kindly offered by Taylor and Francis to ISSP members, including the very low subscription rate for the IJSEP (see below for rates and benefits).

International Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology

The 2022 Metrics for the IJSEP

ISSP is proud to share that the International Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology (IJSEP) has earned a Web of Science Impact Factor (IF) value of 4.1 and Scimago SJR value of 0.730 with the review citation median of 5.5 for the year 2019. As was the case in the past, and especially now with this increased scholarly visibility and impact,  IJSEP continues to be an important benefit of being a member of ISSP.

For 2019 the IJSEP is among the top 42% of all journals indexed in the Web of Science and it is Q2 across all three categories (applied psychology, social psychology, sport science)  in Scimago.

More information regarding IJSEP

The International Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology (IJSEP) publishes empirical and theoretical contributions to the science of physical activity, human movement, exercise, and sport.  The journal’s Editors and Editorial Board encourage researchers and scholars worldwide to submit their work for publication since the journal emphasizes its international perspective. Innovative applications, cultural and cross-cultural research, and position statements of international organizations are especially welcomed.

The primary purposes of IJSEP are to promote understanding of sport psychology research and practice around the world, enhance theoretical and practical knowledge in these fields and promote high-quality scientific and applied for work in sport and exercise psychology.

Sections in the Journal are devoted to areas including exercise & health: Biological aspects of behavior, group dynamics, motor control/learning/development, applied issues in sport and exercise, coaching/qualitative research, expertise and information processing issues, cross-cultural research, sport psychology in the school environment, sport and exercise psychology in emerging countries, moral and ethical issues, social aspects in sport and exercise, exercise & health: social aspects and interventions, performance enhancement techniques, and clinical sport psychology.

How to access IJSEP

To access IJSEP, ISSP members must use the email used to log in to their ISSP members page to register for a Taylor & Francis Online account here.

A full instruction guide on how to do this is available HERE. Once registered, and after T&F has completed the setup process, the journal will be accessible via the Taylor & Francis Online account under Access Entitlements. When the journal is available, an automated email will be sent to notify the ISSP members who registered for this services.