Membership Benefits

Individual Membership Benefits

  • An annual subscription to the International Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology (IJSEP). IJSEP is published 6 times a year. All ISSP members receive access to the electronic version of the journal.
  • ISSP Members are eligible for a 20% discount on open access fees when they publish their work in the IJSEP.
  • ISSP Members are eligible for a discounted fee when enrolling in live or on-demand ISSP Global Master Class Series Lectures.
  • Reduced registration fees for ISSP World Congress (organized every 4 years) as well as reduced fees for all ISSP continued education workshops or courses (in-person, virtual, and online).
  • Opportunity for service and professional development through volunteering for ISSP committees under and oversight from Managing Council members-at-large or Executive Council: for example, Web and Social Media, Student and Young Professionals, New Technology, Emerging Countries Projects, and Accreditation.
  • Opportunity to pursue ISSP-Registry status (an international recognition of one’s competence to practice sport psychology).
  • All members after two years of consecutive membership during the 2 years prior to the ISSP World Congress are entitled to vote in the elections.
  • Opportunity to run for member-at-large position on ISSP Managing Council.
  • Eligibility for ISSP awards (e.g., The Distinguished International Sport Psychology Award; The ISSP Developing Scholar Award) and recognitions (e.g., Fellow status).
  • Access to a growing list of valuable resources in the “Member Only” area of ISSP website, including readings by topic, accreditation and re-accreditation forms and materials, access to ISSP-R approved mentors, and knowledge generated through international think tanks on specialized topics.

Group Membership Benefits

  • Invitation to bid for holding ISSP World Congress
  • ISSP will consider holding joint conferences with its association members and partners