The ISSP Fellow Status is bestowed on an ISSP member in recognition of long-standing, continuous, and significant involvement in the society. The Distinguished International Sport Psychology Award and the Honor Award overlap to some degree with the ISSP Fellow Status, with the awards recognizing substantive contributions to the broader global landscape of sport and exercise psychology.
What differentiates a Fellows status from the other awards already in existence, is that the ISSP Fellows status is a longstanding title bestowed upon an active ISSP member, as opposed to an award one receives in relation to a specific conference, which then becomes part of one’s past accomplishments. The Fellows status then becomes a title that can add to one’s credentials, so long as the ongoing requirements denoted for the title continue to be met.
2019 Fellows

Jean Côté
Queen’s University

Dr. Robert Schinke
Laurentian University

Dr. Artur Poczwardowski
University of Denver

Dr. Tatiana Ryba
University of Jyväskylä

Dr. Marit Sørensen
Norwegian School of Sport Sciences

Dr. Likang Chi
National Taiwan Normal University

Dr. Ronnie Lidor
Academic College at Wingate
2018 Fellows

Dr. Gangyan Si
Hong Kong Sports Institute

Dr. Athanasios Papaioannou
University of Thessaly

Dr. Natalia Stambulova
Halmstad University

Dr. Ernest Tsung-Min Hung
National Taiwan Normal University

Dr. Judy L. Van Raalte
Springfield College
2017 Fellows

Dr. Robert Singer
University of Florida

Dr. Keith Henschen
University of Utah

Dr. Gershon Tenenbaum
Florida State University

Dr. Dieter Hackfort
University of Bundeswehr Munich

Dr. Sidonio Serpa
University of Lisbon