The International Society of Sport Psychology (ISSP) encourages groups and organizations to host the 16th World Congress in Sport Psychology.
ISSP organizes a World event in sport psychology every four years, namely: the ISSP World Congress in Sport Psychology consisting of:
- Total planning involves 7 days:
- five full days of scientific program;
- an opening ceremony; an opening reception; a conference banquet; a closing ceremony; a minimum of 6 keynote presentations; parallel sessions of oral and poster presentations, roundtables, and/or workshops; five or more pre-congress workshops; and
- two full days prior to the opening ceremony day for ISSP Managing Council (MC) meetings.
The Managing Council initiates the procedure for candidatures for hosting the ISSP World Congress in Sport Psychology at minimum 3 years before the date of its organization. Selection is a three-step process: first, letters of intent are invited by 1st of December, 2018; second, the full application/portfolio is submitted by 1st of April, 2019; and third, presentation and discussion of the portfolio at the MC meeting that will be held in Taipei in 2021. The second and third phases are open only to those groups or organizations invited to submit the portfolio.
All of the above-mentioned documents should be submitted to the Secretary-General, Dr. Artur Poczwardowski. The text below presents guidelines for all phases.
General Requirements
In order to be a candidate for hosting the 2025 ISSP World Congress in Sport Psychology the organizers need:
a) Phase 1: To submit a letter of intent before 1st of December 2018 to the ISSP Site & Relations Committee Chair:
- confirming the willingness and capability to organize the conference,
- the acceptance of the requirements stated in this document,
- a succinctly summarized version of the information to be provided in the portfolio (see below).
b) Phase 2: The following is to be submitted before 1st of April 2019 to the ISSP Site & Relations Committee Chair:
- a fully detailed portfolio as stipulated in this document (see below),
- a letter by the Chairperson of your organizing committee acknowledging the full and continued support of the organization for the candidature;
c) Phase 3: The Local Organizing Committee Chair or designate is to attend a Managing Council (MC) meeting (in 2021, at the 15th World Congress in Taipei, Taiwan) in order to present and/or discuss the submitted portfolio, where the final outcome will be rendered;
d) If selected as host for the 2025 ISSP World Congress in Sport Psychology:
- to present the progress of the event organization at the annual MC meeting two years before the congress in order to discuss the organization of the event,
- to prepare an advertising strategy and, upon its approval by ISSP, advertise the event at least 24 months before it actually takes place (email lists, distribution of flyers, presentations at international and national congresses/conferences, etc.);
- to present the detailed progress report and show key sites of the congress at least 12 months before the congress.
Information to be provided in the portfolio
- General
- Full contact details of applicant
- General aspects of organization
- Specific aspects of organization
Detailed information about the portfolio can be find in the attached PDF file.